Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Writers conference

There is a writers conference going on this week in Louisville, which is a mere two hours away by car, and I was considering last week about attending for one day this coming Saturday. On the day I thought of attending, there will be a panel discussion by a group of agents and book publishers on the industry, and pitch sessions are also planned. Both interested me.

But I was unsure __ fearful, really __ about attending. So I called a local bookseller whom I know and truly trust and asked his opinion, particularly about attending a pitch session.

He said first, I must be sure that there is an agent attending who is interested in the type of novel I have written. Check to that.

Then he asked had I ever been to a pitch session and I said no. He hesitated but it was clear he thought this was problematic. Eventually, he said if I have never been and have never practiced or prepared for a pitch sessio, there probablyisn't enough time for me to prepare for it between now and Saturday.

So I decided not to go.

There is so much I don't know about publishing but I am learning a bit at a time. This guy said I shouldn't worry about missing this conference. There are tons of conferences, including some close by. Another will come and probably sooner than I'd think.

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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