Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another writer got through

Today is a good day. Yes, it's cloudy and rainy outside. A bit gloomy. But I heard from a writer today who lives in the South who found an agent. And I am thrilled for her.

Yesterday, I signed up on a website called Next Big Writer, thanks to a suggestion from a friend named Carolyn. Once at the site, I happened to stumble across a forum where this southern writer, who had finished a YA book, was looking for an agent and sought some advice on her query letter. She posted on the forum in late December.

Now I have become an expert on query letter rejections and it was nearly three months ago that she was seeking the advice, but I wrote her and offered my two-cents worth.

She e-mailed me back today to say she had already sent out eight queries and got back several positive responses and signed with an agent. And the agent thinks they may have a publisher for her book.

Now I admitted to her in an e-mail today that I am green with envy but I am also extremely happy for her. Another new writer is breaking through. And that gives hope to all the rest of us.

So that's it for today.

Thanks for reading and don't give up on writing.

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