Saturday, March 22, 2008

Random thoughts

I am a little tired at the moment. I had several freelance writing assignments last week, have several more next week, and wrote at least a little everyday on my murder mystery. Plus I am now at what I consider the writing mid-point in "Death at the Jungle-bunny Journal." I have 40,160 words of the 80,000-word novel in the can. So I may take a few days off from Jungle-bunny.

I joined a critique group today that meets just before the local chapter meeting of Sisters in Crime. Though I didn't have anything to contribute today, I got something out of the gathering. I will submit the first chapter (and perhaps the second chapter, if the combined number of pages is less than 20) of Jungle-bunny for the next meeting. Plus I will probably post those on tNBW website next week.

The publication date for the next racing anthology that our Sisters chapter is planning has not been set. It will be in July 2009 or July 2010. The problem is that enough copies of the current book have not been sold. So I am going to help with promoting the current book although I don't have a story in it.

Although a date has not been established for the next book, it was decided today that individual writers should submit their stories on the deadline schedule originally established, which means I need to get cracking on finishing my story. I read over it today, trying to get a sense of where I was when I stopped writing it more than a month ago.

I think I will work on it Monday and try to finish the first draft by Friday, the day before we head on vacation. I am going to write short story while I am on vacation to submit to the annual Writer's Digest writing competition. The deadline for that is May 15.

I got an honorable mention for "Loss of Consortium" last year.

So let's recap . . .

Jungle-bunny is half done and I will break for a few days from working on it. (During that time I think I will re-read everything I currently have.)
I will finish my racing short story for the anthology in the next week.
While I am on vacation, I will write my short story for a contest.

That should do it. (Oh, I almost forgot. Michelle is going to work on my blog site to make it more appealing.)

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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