Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I haven't written anything on the novel in the last five days and am only now beginning to formulate the scenes in my head that will come next. I am at the point where I have to think of the exact scenes that lead to the end of the book.

But on another front, I am critiquing a chapter of a fellow writer. It is a good story and I look forward to what comes next. But the draft I have is only a first draft and I'm not certain of how much I should point out. She drops in commas a lot, like I do, but that is something that can be clearly up in a later draft or in the editing process.

I think her main character is interesting but perhaps not strong enough to sustain the entire novel. I mentioned that she will need to beef the character up.

But the most interesting thing is that it is written in first-person. That is a bold choice and something I don't think I will ever be comfortable doing.

Anyway, another fellow writer said my writing would probably improve once I was in a wirter's group. I am looking forward to that. I am about to post a couple of chapters of Jungle-bunny Journal and submit it to the group. We will see.

Gotta run. Happy Birthday to me tomorrow.

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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