Monday, March 31, 2008

Getting a critique

As I think I mentioned earlier this month, I am in two critique groups __ one online and the other as part of my local chapter of Sisters in Crime. But I am having trouble getting the material to Sisters.

The manuscript is formatted and everything __ double-spaced, paragraph indents, etc. But since the organizer of the Sisters group can't read my word processing program, I am forced to send it to her after pasting it into the body of an e-mail. But then all the formats seem to get lost.

I think the only remedy to that is to add all the formatting after I paste the work into the e-mail. But that means I have to go line by line to add everything. And that is a real pain in the butt.

However, I need the critique and certainly I want it from writers I know, as opposed to getting it from writers I don't know from the online writing community.

I plan to explore the possibilities once more before send the manuscript to Kit.

And just like you, I will keep writing.

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