Friday, April 30, 2010


I'm a little tired of writing and with sending out query letters. I hear the novel screaming in my ear to get it out into the world but there is only so much I can do. And I read everything on each agent I intend to query, which is tiring. Plus they can provide conflicting information on what they want from one source to another.

I am telling you all this to show that being an aspiring author is exhausting. There is so much work to do, on both the creative and business ends. And it seems endless.

But it is the weekend. I am going to enjoy a nice dinner at a Japanese restaurant tonight and relax for as much of the weekend as I can. (I cut the grass several days ago.)

When I started blogging in December 2007, I intended to post three times each week, and thus have blogs 12 times a month. That didn't work out. For a variety of reasons, I slacked off. But I am trying to get back to my original goal. And with this posting, I will have 12 postings this month. That hasn't happened since March 2008.

Being a writer is a journey, and this blog is about that journey. I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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