Monday, April 26, 2010

Hooray for Megan

I planned to post on my blog tomorrow but today I got some of the most wonderful news --that is short of the wonderful news of me getting a publishing contract. And so I had to write today.

My friend Megan Messina Bostic has a contract and is on her way to being published!

I have never seen Megan face-to-face. We met online during the 2009 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest. But I have always felt a certain kinship with her. She was an aspiring novelist, like me, only further along. She has a blog, plus a video blog, plus read and reviewed books. All that was in addition to writing, and being a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, and a host of other things.

The woman is a superhero. I wouldn't be surprised if she has a cape hidden somewhere in her house.

But more importantly than all that, she has always been a terrific online friend -- encouraging and supportive.

Unlike some who took part in ABNA last year and, perhaps, this year as well, Megan has never been one to belittle another writer. She has never seen one writer's success as a threat to her own. She has always been a cheerleader for writers struggling against the long odds of success.

I also feel that way and have said so at other times in my blog. As we all fight to succeed, one writer making it isn't a blockade for those left behind. They are a trailblazer paving the way for others to hopefully follow.

I couldn't be happier for someone's success. It nearly brought tears to my eyes. Megan is a person who deserves it. So, in her honor this afternoon, I did a Happy Dance.

I don't know the details of Megan's deal or when her book comes out. I suspect some time next year or in 2012. But regardless, I am going to get my copy of MENDING FENCES -- I read part of it last year and liked what I read -- and will make sure my friend signs a copy, even if I have to drive all the wat to the West Coast to have her do it.

Megan, well done. Well done, indeed!

Thanks for reading and, like Megan Bostic, don't give up on writing.

1 comment:

Megan Bostic said...

you are a sweet sweet man, Michael. and you've also been a cheerleader and an inspiration to many of us in the struggle. Thank you so much.