Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Discouragement II

I haven't written about discouragement for some time and that's probably because I haven't particularly felt that way and I had other things I wanted to say.
Today, however, is different. I am feeling discouraged and I can't seem to shake a degree of sadness.
I have no real reason to feel this way. I didn't get a rejection today. In fact, I have several reasons to feel upbeat. BEDLAM AT THE BRICKYARD is close to publication and I learned today the two editors will be interviewed on a local television station four days before our launch party in May.
I didn't arrange for the interview but I am making progress with other promotions I have for the book.
But I was also doing some research today in Jim Herman's book guide to publishers and agents and once again was struck with the enormity of the task of getting published.
Money is tight and I don't have any new freelance writing prospects. I am playing music I love but it isn't particularly cheerful. Normally, that isn't a problem but today . . .
I don't feel like reading. I don't feel like writing. I don't feel like driving my MG. I am just down.
(And I can't seem to get the weeds out of the yard.)
I don't know what I am going to do, except possibly reread some favorite part of one novels or short stories. That generally helps but I don't feel like doing that either.
Writing is hard. But feeling like I am not progressing is harder.
I know this feeling will go away sooner or later. I am generally an optimistic person. But today I can't shake that ugly feeling.
So there is my tale of woe. Now you get back to writing.

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