Saturday, March 31, 2012

Querying agents, Part II

I was wondering whether any other you had an useful suggestions on how to pique a potential agent's interest in representing me. Yeah, I know. Write something interesting and worthy of being read. All that goes without saying. I need some help in attracting them in the first place.

I always read up as much as possible on an agent before I query them. I visit their website, read anything I can find of their writing if it is relevant, read comments on them by others. But is there something I'm missing?

Agents mention different things about what catches their eye in a query letter. But even that can be random.

One agent who blogs alot states repeatedly about the three rules she needs to see in a query letter. But she also shows a query letter that she loved -- she went on to request a full manuscript -- that broke all those rules.

That makes it hard to discern what an agent may ultimately want.

So, as I am completing a list of agents to query, any advice from any of you would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

And thanks for reading.

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