Monday, August 24, 2009

Sends those queries

I'm going on another major agent push. I need an agent and there are agents out there looking for new talent. Why not me?

The new Writer's Digest, which came in the mail while we were on vacation, lists 24 agents looking for new writers. I have all the resources for finding and researching agents, I just have to get back into it.

I haven't done a major query push for a while. I have lots of excuses for not having done it -- and many of the excuses are valid -- but in the end they are just excuses. And I know agents aren't going to come knocking on my door. I have to go out and find them.

So I have revamped my standard query letter and am ready to go.

The inspiration for all this was an author who was the guest speaker last Saturday at our local Sisters in Crime meeting. Her name is Madelyn Alt and she lives in northeast Indiana. She is a delightful person, a very good writer (judging from book excerpts on her website, which itself was also very good), and an inspirational speaker. She seemed to understand what I am going through because less than a decade ago, she was also going through it.

On another note, an author I met two years ago and whom I like a lot is coming to town. Hank Phillippi Ryan, a broadcast journalist in Boston who has now written three novels about an investigative broadcast journalist in Boston who solves murders, will be at The Mystery Company in two weeks and is going to Bouchercon in October. I really look forward to seeing her again.

So that's me for now. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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