Friday, August 28, 2009

A release form

I signed a release form today so that my short story, THE MISSING CD, can be published next year in BEDLAM AT THE BRICKYARD, the anthology my local Sisters in Crime chapter is putting out. In the story, a newspaper sports columnist is murdered while doing research into some possible misdeeds by a NASCAR team, and his girlfriend, TV anchorwoman, is forced to find some missing documents and discover his killer.

It's a little long at 6,500 words but it is a fun story. I am heading the marketing committee that is promoting the book.

Also this week, I printed out about 175 pages of my current novel for Angela to read. I planned on giving her another 25 plages or so but I was apparently running out of ink. Angela hasn't started reading, as far as I know, so haven't had any feedback yet.

I have been encouraging a relative -- actually, she is the wife of one of my wife's cousins -- to write a book, a mystery, really. She is in a reading group, which is good, and she told me several weeks ago she wanted to write what is known in the industry as a cozy. I think she'd be good at it once she got started.

I saw her briefly at a family event yesterdday but she hadn't started it yet. And maybe she won't ever start. But I hope she never looks back with regret.

I am surprised at how much knowledge I have on the industry and can provide to her. I can only imagine all the knowledge that I don't have that is out there.

I also last night answered a friend's questions regarding copyright. She wants to write a book of poetry and is worried about someone stealing her ideas. I told her it is prudent to be cautious and to establish ownership. But I also told her it is unlikely there are lots of people out there looking to steal material from an unknown, unpublished poet.

Well, that is all for now. I just wanted to write down a few thoughts. Have a good weekend and thanks for reading.

Keep writing.

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