Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Death of Art

Last week wasn't a good week for me from a personal perspective. There were some things going on that tremendously clouded my focus and undermined my attention. One would think that work -- in this case, writing -- would help but I was too unfocused.

And then my new material was due on Friday to the members of my critique group and I had to decide what type of writer am I. Can I work when I'm totally unmotivated or not?

I wrote.

I wrote the next chapter in "The Death of Art," which, in this case, is Chpter 3. I wrote 3,300 words over about 10 hours, including the time I took to attend my youngest daughter's high school football game. (She is a cheerleader.)

The due date for the material was Friday and, unfortunately, I didn't finish before midnight. I didn't finish until about 1 in the morning. But I sent it so they would have it first thing Satuday morning.

I feel a sense of accomplishment for getting it done. It wasn't brilliant, of course. It was a first draft. But the work got done and, while not perfect, it is still pretty good.

I guess this coming Saturday I will learn how good (or bad) it is. But the most important thing is that I got it done. And that is one of the first characteristic that define a writer or a wannabe. A writer gets it done.

So that's it for the moment. Those are my thoughts. Thanks for reading and don't give up on writing.

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