Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Query letters

After several months of working and reworking "Death at the Jungle-bunny Journal" in preparation of another assault of the publishing world, I have started to query agents again. I sent one last night and plan to step up efforts in the coming weeks at getting an agent. And while I was networking last week, I met the author of three non-fiction books who said she would help me with publishing contacts.

I hate the prospect of having to find an agent if only because the process seems so random. I have no idea what it is about my writing or query letter that isn't hitting on all cylinders. I have followed the formats and advice of numerous people on how to attract an agent and nothing seems to work. It is a frustrating exercise but, apparently, a necessary one. So I am at it again.

My query letter is short and sweet. It gets to the point quickly and asks, in only four paragraphs, that the agent consider me for representation. I don't waste their time.

I wish I was a famous writer if only because I'd have to do fewer __ of any __ query letters. I know the process of getting first and agent and then a publisher is asking someone I don't know to risk thousands of dollars in an investment on a total stranger. But it is the way the game is played.

So, I'm off to the races. The only real joy I find in it is that by the time I find an agent, my next book, "The Death of Art," should be nearing completion and I'd have one more piece of writing to use to interest both an agent and a publisher.

Thanks for reading and I promise to post more blog entries. Now get back to writing.

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