Tuesday, July 22, 2008

An update

Lots of small things to say at the moment.

I visited the Barnes Foundation several days ago and went to the public library to do more research on Albert Barnes and his art. Also discovered a couple of new sources to tap into in the Philadelphia art scene. It's been a very productive, and yet restlful, time in Philadelphia for the last three days.

AND I helped stack 165 bales of hay in my friend's barn in 90-degree heat. I was sweating in places I didn't even know about.

Yesterday I got the first critique of "Death at the Jungle-bunny Journal" from a friend who is a non-writer. She liked it a lot, found humor in parts that I wasn't sure were there and, importantly, found a major style inconsistency. I haven't done anything about that yet but plan to as soon as I get home.

I sent several more query letters but no responses yet. Never sure what that means. Perhaps I am being carefully considered and perhaps I'm just in the slush pile. Only time will tell.

My writing critique group meets this Saturday and I am looking forward to that. It's not a month in which they are looking at my writing but it is always fun and interesting to critique others. One of the short stories I read this month was truly surprising and that is always a good start. And it's from someone who has my complete novel. I trust her and her opinion, although I don't always agree with her, and she writes well.

Lastly, and on a personal note, I learned last week a friend has cancer. It is treatable and they are scheduled to go in for surgery next week. She is a dear friend and has always encouraged my writing.

I pray for her full and complete recovery.

Well, that's it. It is 9 in the morning and I am about to stuff my things back into my bag and hit the road back to Indiana. It looks nice outside and I'm driving a convertible. Should be fun.

Thanks for reading and Write On.

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