Friday, July 18, 2008

Art vs. business

There is a difference between the art of writing a book and the business of publishing and selling a book. And because I am stuck in the place in between, I am very aware of the difference.

Writing is about art. It's the creative part. Publishing is about business, about promotion, advertising and public relations. Getting an agent is the first major step on the business side.

For the life of me, I don't know how the business side works. Yes, intellectually I have some understanding of the publishing business. But a deep understanding escapes me. And it is probably why I am not more successful as a freelance writer. I can do the work __ the writing, that is __ but promoting myself is difficult and unpleasant. And so getting more, well-paying work is difficult.

And I am afraid that publishing is going to be the same way. I can write a novel, from start to finish, in about six months. But promoting myself and my work is a difficult and unpleasant prospect. It has to be done but I'm not sure how to effectively do it.

But, with friends and colleagues, I am working on improving on the business side. I am going to a writers conference in two weeks, I am in a critique group and I am slowly growing a network of fiction writers. All of that is important in order to have a successful career as a fiction writer.

I just have to keep at it.

Thanks for reading and don't give up on writing.

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