Monday, July 28, 2008


I like to go to book signings, although I must admit to feelings of jealousy. But I like to hear published authors discuss their craft, their books and how they got published. It doesn't matter whether they are national bestselling authors or local authors with just a few books in print. It doesn't matter. Their stories fascinating __ and helpful.

There is a positive and a negative to all this. The negative side is that I am generally jealous of their success and wonder why it hasn't happened to me. Why can't I get published? I am a good writer and am learning more about the craft and the book publishing industry all the time. It hits me over and over again that talent, while very important, isn't what determines writing success.

I can't remember how many times I have read in the last year that if Ernest Hemingway were alive and working today, he'd be an unpublished author running with bulls through the streets of some Spanish town. He'd still be brilliant but probably unpublished. And certainly he wouldn't have the stature he has today.

On the positive side is my love of authors, their books and their stories. They are an inspiration. It doesn't matter whether I think the author is particularly good or not. They have broken through, which means so could I. And so I buy their books and I read them, for the joy of reading, for clues to their success and to support a fellow writer.

So what can I do, what should I do to move my writing and publishing career along? I still don't know and am still looking for answers. All the while I keep writing and hoping.

And so should you.

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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