Saturday, February 2, 2008

Feeling sad

I was feeling a little down this evening. I was at the bookstore __ I love bookstores, by the way. I go to the bookstore several times a week, even if I'm not going to buy something __ and noticed a nice black-covered book with a gold statute (did I spell that correctly?) on it. It was a murder mystery around the Oscars. Quite timely, don't you think?

It was interesting and I picked it up and read some of it while I sat in the coffee shop. Ultimately I didn't buy it, although I think I will in a week or so. But it was by a first-time author and it looked good and was interesting. And I thought, why can't that happen to me?

I wrote a nice book. It seems readable. Saleable. Why can't it be in bookstores?

I don't know how long it took for the author to get published but the ordeal of getting an agent and then getting published is a pain in the ass, it seems to me. I wish it were all done and then I could concentrate more heavily on my second novel. (I'm still thinking the novel starts too slowly but the important thing now is to get it all on paper and fix that later, if I still think it needs it.)

But, like I said a month ago, I think this is going to be my year. January is gone but it is only the first month. Things are going to look up. I just need to stay positive, work hard and be ready for whatever comes.

So, I have to get back to work. And you should, too. Write!

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