Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Having fun

I have noticed something from reading some of my writing. The parts that I find the most fun to read also tend to be the parts that were the most fun to write.

There is no way to maintain a high level of energy consistently throughout a novel. There needs to be a little down time in preparation for the next bit of excitment. So it also is with writing.

Whenever I really struggle over a scene or two, or, in other words, when I am getting bored with a scene or two, I realize that if I can't make the scene interesting and fun for me to write, it won't was interesting and fun to read. So I move quickly through it. I don't worry over a lot of words and intricate description. I get right to it.

Take a murder scene, of example.

Instead of describing the furniture and its location, what was on the walls, where the telephone was sitting, who was there and the intricate movement of the people, if I am uninterested in the scene, though it is necessary for the plot, I merely say, "John was shot dead in the livingroom."

Then I move on.

If I can't make it interesting to me, I can't make it interesting to a reader.

Have a good week. Thanks for reading and don't give up on writing.

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