Thursday, February 28, 2008

Having a perfect pitch

When I was in high school, I was pretty good at being able to find a musical note. I was close to having relative pitch, not perfect pitch. I wished I had perfect pitch back then. And in a totally different context, I wish I had perfect pitch today.

The perfect pitch I am talking about today isn't musical. It is in making the pitch to catch an agent's eye. Oddly enough, that is the name of a book I bought today. "Making the Perfect Pitch. How to Catch a Literary Agent's Eye," by Kathryn Sands.

Now, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that's just more research. You'd be right. But I need some more guidance in getting noticed and I thought this book looked good. In fact, an author I know from my local chapter of Sisters in Crime also recommended it, although I already had it by the time she mentioned it to me.

I am going to try to plow through it quickly and refine my query letter yet again. And if that's what it takes, then that is what it takes.

And in the meantime, I am going to work harder on "Death at the Jungle-bunny Journal." While I know I can't finish it by the end of March, I can keep finish it by the end of May, which was my original deadline.

Whether I finish it on time or not, I will keep writing because there is another book right behind it waiting to be born. In fact, I am only into the second book in a stream of six book ideas.

More about that later, perhaps. But for now, thanks for reading and keep writing.

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