Friday, July 2, 2010

Critique group

One of the best ways for a beginning writer to improve their writing is by joining a critique group. I have joined a couple of online groups but they never seem to suit me. You can get criticism from other writers but often they are more harsh than supportive or encouraging, and often you don't hear from the same people. Thus the value is greatly diminished.

I prefer a group in which you face others directly.

I have been in a group associated with Sisters in Crime for two years. We meet monthly before the SinC meeting. It is a wonderful group of people and I have gained much from them and plan to continue. We actually are broken down into two groups which rotate about every six months. So, you see the same people for a number of months but also ultimately get the perspective of everyone over time.

I was asked this week if I wanted to join another group which meets every other Wednesday and I decided to give it a try. This group also has aspiring writers but they have been published more than my first group and there is slightly more diversity. I am the only man in my SinC-associated group. The new group has at least one man.

I am looking for more perspective in my writing and, by joining a second group, I think I will get it.

I am looking forward to it.

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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