Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Note: I am tempted to edit this, something I didn't do when it was originally written. I was angry and frustrated that day, and this posting shows that in how it's written. But I want it to reflect who I am and how I am feeling on any particular day so there are no corrections here. mbd, 2/23/09

I am feeling discouraged today, thought not for any perticular reason. I have my new Writer's Digest, which generally cheers me, but not today.

I am struck yet again by how enormous the task is of getting published and then of getting noticed so that you can sell books. Even in a good economy, which isn't the case at the moment, getting published is difficult.

On one of the ABNA threads yesterday, another aspiring writer compiled a list of some three dozen agents whom he had cross-referenced in Publisher's Marketplace for being the best in helping debut authors and who had gotten the best overall deals for mystery, crime, thriller and suspense writers. Some I didn't know, such as Deidre Knight, while others I was afraid to query, such as David Gernert (who has represented John Grisham).

But others I have queried and none have sent a response. What am I, chopped liver? I write well, my book ideas are good and original. Why is this so hard for me?

I have sent out five queries in the last week, and plan more today and tomorrow. I know I can't give up hope but sometimes, like now, it just seems so hard.

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dabney, I do know how tough it is. Maybe it will help to compare it to having to start anew in finding a life partner. Or looking for a first job at the start of a second career.

I don't know if you belong to any writers organizations, but Sisters in Crime is the best, and brothers are most welcome. The online Guppies chapter offers excellent support and has critique groups and agent discussion groups that are extremely valuable sources of information and feedback. If you've had no agent response so far you might find the feedback useful.

Also, I hope we can meet when I come to Bouchercon this fall. On Wed. Oct 14 I'll be doing a two-hour workshop on submissions sponsored by Sisters in Crime, Donald Maass is also presenting during the day. Complete information is available at http://sistersincrime.org

Thank you so much for mentioning DON'T MURDER YOUR MYSTERY. Its all-genre edition came out in 2008: DOn'T SABOTAGE YOUR SUBMISSION. I welcome questions about writing and publishing on my occasional blog on Amazon (the shortcut is http://snurl.com/9esdq)
