Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I was reading an online article in Writer's Digest today on blogging. It was titled,"Is Blogging Right for you?" And while the article, which I must have missed in the print version of the magazine, was interesting and thought-provoking, it didn't answer the question.

Or at least, it didn't for me.

But it did cause me to re-evaluate the reasons that I blog. It isn't so much as to communicate with others than it is to communicate with me. Yes, I would like to have more visitors to the blog, but I don't advertise or promote it. So until I do, I can't hope for any true readership.

But there is one true reader of this blog. Me. The primary reason I write it is so that when I look back, I can see what I was thinking about writing or whatever on any given day. It is like a diary or journal for me. I have never kept a diary or journal and only can manage this in a half-assed way. But I am managing it. That's a start.

There were also some interesting statistics in the article. Apparently, there are more people blogging than people reading books. The article said data shows there are 112.8 million active blogs in the world, with another 175,000 new blogs a day. But there are only 500 books published a day, a figure that only doubles if you include self-published titles. And there are roughly 18 blog updates every second of every day.

In just a few moments I will add to that.

Though anyone is welcome to hear my rants about writing and getting published, the first reader is always me. So I will continue . . .

Thanks for reading and don't give up on writing.

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