Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A perfect day

It is gloomy outside today. There's a total cloud cover and it's cooler than it has been for some time. It's fall, of course, and soon the leaves should really start turning and falling. I don't have an assignment deadline until later in the week and I had to postpone a luncheon appointment I had for today with two editors. I don't to take a child to a doctor's appointment or cheerleading practice. I don't have to take someone to school. In fact, everyone is out of the house and should be gone until about 6.

In other words, it's a perfect day to write. I can sit and concentrate in peace. I don't have to worry about any interruptions. I can't remember when I had such a perfect alignment of events at home.

I am not one of those writers who feels you must physically isolate yourself in order to write. Find a place and a time in which you are totally alone. If you have a normal life with family obligations, work, social obligations and the like, it is hard to achieve that sort of isolation.

I think the isolation need only be mental and intellectual. I can -- and do -- write amidst the chaos that is the normal state of affairs in my household. People talking, television on, dog barking, chores being done, music playing.

But it is a delight to have a day when there is that physical isolation. It's just me and the dog. It's perfect.

Thanks for reading and don't give up on writing.

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