Monday, September 1, 2008

Looking an a reason to reject

Ten months ago, while I was working on a re-write for "Fighting Chaos" and researching agents to query, I sent off an e-mail query to an agent. The agent promised a response in two to four weeks. I agonized over sending the query but I sent it anyway.

As I have been reading, agents and their readers get so many query letters and so much material to consider, they don't have the time to dig deep into someone's material or letter before deciding what to do and moving on. Thus, they are looking for reason to reject.

This is sad but, of course, it makes perfect sense. Just this morning I got a stack of letter to read. I know I'm not interested in it all and don't have the time -- or just don't want to spend the time -- going through it all. So I go through it with the thought of what I intend to throw away.

It's been a few weeks since I sent out a query letter as I have concentrated on the final re-erite of "Death at the Jungle-bunny Journal." But I know it's going to be viewed in much the same way as I used to when I would get press releases in the mail. If didn't see something highlighted with the who, what, where and whens, I was less likely to read it. And it needed to be near the top. On average, a press release had seven seconds to get my attention before I would throw it away.

It's not an easy world out there but I am determined to break through.

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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