Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Joy of Writing

I have been really enjoying my writing lately. The plot in my story is going reasonably well and the writing is fun and almost easy.

I am talking about THE DEATH OF ART, of course. At this point in the story, the hero, Jason, is in the thick of things, and it's going to get worse. The guy who's been doing all the killing and who faked his own death to throw the authorities off his scent is going to start threatening our hero. And in addition to this professional challenge, Jason is having problems with the woman who would be his gal. I haven't decided how -- or whether -- I will resolve the personal conflict. It started in the first Jason Crown novel and has continued into this one. But I may want to keep it going for a while and leave the reader wondering -- in much the same way Janet Evanovich keeps us wondering who Stephanie will choose, Joe or Ranger.

The problem with Stephanie's character is that she hasn't grown, while all the characters around her have. I want to avoid that with Jason and Davida, so I might resolve that conflict sooner than later. (I will probably follow the lead in the Blackford Oakes series. Although Black's relationship with Sally wasn't that rocky, as I recall, it had strains. But he still married her.)

The interwining of the personal and the professional, I think, is what makes this story interesting -- that and the on-going real life controversy of the Barnes Foundation. The Barnes just make the perfect back drop for a murder mystery.

I am enjoying myself working at home at the desk in the guest room but I also must admit I look forward to the girls going back to school in the fall. Having them around so much in the middle of the day is quite distracting. Much more than with Pluto. But I still get work done, both the paying and non-paying kind.

Glad to have this laptop back and in reasonably good working order. (There is still a problem, however. In the middle of typing the cursor will jump for no reason at all to an earlier point. Just now it jumped back four lines with no warning. It suddenly appeared in the middle of the last sentence in that paragraph.)

Have a good week. Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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