Monday, October 18, 2010

Red Planet Blues, (sadly) Part ll

I sadly learned today of the passing last week of another Earth Angel, Frances R. Kirch.

Mrs. Kirch was the mother of Kerry Lou, the author of RED PLANET BLUES, and who provided some of the funding for the novel. Kerry dedicated the book to her mother, which only seemed right. I think at some point there was a stack of books in Mrs. Kirch's garage.

Mrs. Kirch was a wonderful woman, always charming, kind and pleasant to me. And that probably wasn't that easy 40 years ago. To me, Mrs. Kirch lived the life she was expected to live -- a very white bread with mayo life. But here was Kerry, this skinny, little, white girl, with this skinny, little, black kid as a friend who stopped by from time to time. But I never felt unwelcome in the Kirch household. Even their dog, Blitz, seemed to like me.

Mrs. Kirch had one very distinctive trademark. She always wore bright red lipstick. I don't think there was a time when I saw her when she didn't have it on.

I last spoke with Mrs. Kirch in late March, just after I learned of Kerry's fatal accident. She was as nice and charming as ever, and implored me to keep in touch. I knew she had been battling cancer for some time and I sent her a couple of notes over the summer. I never got a reply but I never expected one. I just wanted her to know I was still thinking of her.

I am saddened for her two surviving daughters, and the entire family, for their loss. But there can also be an element of joy in knowing that there is one more Earth Angel soaring above looking down at us.

May she soar in peace.

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