Saturday, May 3, 2008

What's Next? Part II

It struck me today. I know what to do next. As it now stands, it is going to be another murder mystery and will likely include some of the major characters from "Death at the Jungle-bunny Journal" if only as background.

It will be set in Philadelphia and, in a general way, I know what it is about. (However, I don't have a story or a plot at the moment. Some work will be to be done on that score.) And I am a firm believer in writing what you know, thus reducing the need for extensive research. But I will need to do some heavy duty research for this one. It will involve an academic area in which I have some knowledge but it is extremely limited.

I have written about this before as a reporter. Thus, I know where I will start. Next month, while I am working on the second or third draft of the Jungle-bunny Journal, I think I will drive to Philadelphia for several days. In that way, I can wander around Philadelphia, Lower Merion and perhaps even venture down to Lincoln. And through the research, perhaps the exact story and plot will come to me. (I even have a tentative title. But more on that at a much later date.)

This third book will be a great __ and timely __ project for the second half of 2008. And maybe I will finish it by Christmas. That would be good, even if I manage find an agent and sell Jungle-bunny Journal by then.

So, Jason Mitchell will live to solve another murder. But in the process, he will face a greater challenge than he has ever faced before.

I will tell you more when I start on my next book.

Thanks for reading and don't give up on writing.

1 comment:

Sharyn/Torie said...

That sounds like a great idea. Building on the one book with some of the same characters will help you maintain an audience and gain more from word of mouth.

I can't wait to see them.
