Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I'm working on an e-book anthology for my Sisters in Crime chapter and it's proving to be quite a challenge. If I had known it was going to be this difficult, I may not have volunteered to co-edit.

Not that e-publishing is that hard. It's just that acting as the publisher, there's so much to know and learn. And while the chapter itself is the publisher, learning about it so far has fallen to just to few of us, including my co-editor. But the stories are nearly all edited and I'm getting them into a single file folder to hand over to the chapter president.

It's a historical anthology and the stories -- 15 in all -- are set in the past, from the recent past to as far back as the 16th century. Not all are set in Indiana, although most are. (My story is set in Tennessee in 1930.) But all the stories are authored by an Indiana writer.

One of the big challenges now is to arrange the stories in the strongest way possible. We have already picked out the first story, which is very strong, and the last story, which is also strong and will end the anthology on a strong and positive note. But arranging all the stories in between is difficult because there isn't one over-arching theme. And while all the stories have merit, some truly are better than others. However, we want to showcase the book and the chapter in the best light. I'm keeping that in mind.

Well, that's about it for now. I will let you know when it's coming out. Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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