Thursday, April 5, 2012

I had to laugh

So many times I read something or hear something and wish I had written that. Well, the wife of a prominent Republican presidential candidate said something about her husband on the radio that was so funny I can't imagine anyone ever writing it, let alone saying it aloud.

GOP candidate Mitt Romney is, by nearly any measure, a stiff white guy. Now that's okay, if that's what you are looking for in a president. But being stiff on the campaign trail isn't generally considered an asset.

Clarence M. Mitchell at WBAL asked the candidate's wife Ann Romney in a radio interview: "Sometimes he appears stiff. Do you have to fight back like, 'My husband isn't stiff, okay.'"

She replied with a bit of a laugh: "Well, ah, you know, I guess, I guess, we better unzip and let the real Mitt Romney out 'cause he is not" stiff.

Now that is certainly what you want your wife to say on the radio. But I laugh everytime I think of that because one would want one's wife to say you get stiff once you are unzipped.

Funny stuff. I wish I could have written something so funny.

But I should get back to work, and so should you.

Thanks for reading and don't give up writing.

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