Tuesday, November 9, 2010

NaNoWriMo, Day 8

Last night, I closed out Day 8 of National Novel Writing Month with 25,025 words, which is half the distance. Plus, I am only 100 words off the pace I had last year when I reached 50,000 words on Nov. 15, and finished the novel at 54,000 words four days later.

It's harder this year. The story is harder and is taking more concentration because I am not as familiar with the material. Plus, I have a couple of major holes in the story I want to go back to address but I know it is best just to continue plowing forward. So that is what I am doing.

But I enjoy this story and its various aspects. I will have to change my strategy a little, starting today. I generally write in continuity, from start to finish. But I will reach a section later in today's writing that requires more research and some studied thought in order to have the story hang together.

So I am going to jump over it and continue on toward the end and come back to write it later. It is a crucial part and without it the rest of the story don't work.

It is, as you've guessed, some back story. I plan to write it in its entirety but I haven't decided how it will finally appear in the novel. In later drafts, I may disperse it throughout. But for now, I think it best to have it in one big chunk.

Well, that's it for now. I have a freelance assignment to work on today before I concentrate on NaNoWriMo. So I have to get with it.

Thanks for reading and don't give up.

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