Saturday, November 20, 2010

I WON!!!

I won this morning at 2. My National Novel Writing Month novel, THE TONTINE, hit 50,251 words. I rushed the last part in order to finish. There are more holes in this story that you'd find in Swiss cheese.

But I got the novel done and it reached 50,000 words.

Now I'd like to sit back and just read and enjoy the story. And maybe next year, if I still think the story is worth the effort, I will decide to definitely make it my 2011 writing project.

But for now, it's done. I am happy it's done and can sleep some.

Thanks for reading.


Anne Gallagher said...

Congratulations Michael. And it's not even Thanksgiving. Go You!

Kim Mullican said...

You're the first person I've seen spell out NaNoWriMo! Thank you~thank you!

Always enjoy your blog.