Sunday, December 7, 2008


This is a balance between having confidence in your idea and your work and in being open suggestions and to criticism. But finding that balance can be a challenge.

I like "Death at the Jungle-bunny Journal." I think it is funny and compelling and an interesting read. But is that enough to get an agent? A publisher? Is it good enough to withstand the rigors of a writing competition?

I'm not sure. And so I am pouring over Jungle-bunny, chapter by chapter, looking for those elements that can make it unsaleable. But I find myself greatly second-guessing myself. I spend several hours yesterday rewriting the opening of the novel only to find it uninteresting and unfocused. So, I am throwing all that work out.

As I learn more and read more closely, I find my final draft is generally good but could use some tighter editing. That is my goal. But in the end I second-guess myself. Am I doing the best thing? The correct thing? I don't know.

I feel lost again. I need it to be the best it can be before Feb. 2, the opening day for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel contest, but time is short and I'm uncertain as to what to do. Advice is often conflicting and can undermine confidence. But without it, you are shooting in the dark.

Once again I don't know what to do. Only that something needs to be done. I just can't find the balance between confidence and openness.

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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