Monday, January 24, 2011

Cancer II

This is only the fourth time in the last 15 months I have written about cancer. But this blog is suppose to be about my journey as a writer and the things that affect me as a writer. (Which, by the way, brings up the point whether it should be affect or effect. I always have a hard time remembering which is which. So if I just got it wrong, well, at this moment I don't give a flying .... .)

I have some work to do on my current WIP but this evening I'm having a hard time with it. Writing fiction is like dreaming, and then writing it down. And tonight I'm having a hard time dreaming.

The reason is that I went to a prostate cancer support group meeting today, something I rarely do and I am now reminded why. It depresses me. Yes, I feel fine. Actually, I always have. The times when I haven't felt good have always been because of the treatment of the disease, not from the disease itself. I have never noticed a symptom of prostate cancer.

I went through eight-and-a-half weeks of external radiation treatment last winter. It was my "winter project," if you recall. But today I was reminded yet again that I don't know yet whether I am cured. I was told it could take 18 months to two years before we'd know for sure. I normally put such thoughts out of my mind because at the moment there isn't anything I can do about it, cured or not. But it is still like the Sword of Damocles over my head.

So tonight I can't write. Or at least it's a struggle.

I did everything I was suppose to do, everything my doctor and my pastor asked me to do. Now I just have to wait.

I hate this. I want the dreams to come easily like before. This really sucks.

But thanks for reading. And now I will try to take my oft-repeated advice and keep writing.

1 comment:

Anne Gallagher said...

I'm sorry you feel like this Michael. I can't even imagine having something like that hanging over my head for 2 years.

And I don't blame you about not wanting to go to a support group. You're right, they are really more depressing than helpful.

How about if you write about the most beautiful place you've ever been. What you saw, ate, the weather, the surroundings. Do you think if you free-wrote for 15-20 minutes you could get back to dreaming?