Thursday, June 12, 2008


I have completely gone through the novel and have started the re-write. I reads well but there are still a couple of problems, mostly dealing with research. I am having a particularly hard time with asthma __ the symtoms and what causes an asthma attack.

I have several friends, including one author, who are going to read the book. And I plan to send it to them in the next week. Two are from out of town __ including one in England __ so they will get it via e-mail. The last person, the author, is local and we will probably get together in a local coffee shop or bookstore.

I am still very nervous about the book. Is it any good? Is it interesting? How well is the story told?

I know I must sound like a Nervous Nellie but I can't shake it. I haven't developed a good sense of perspective and I wonder if I ever will.

I have started writing down little notes regarding the next novel. It will use the same main character as is in "Death at the Jungle-bunny Journal," Jason Crown, but it will be set in Philadelphia where he will be attending an NABJ convention. And, like I think I mentioned before, the story will evolve around art at the Barnes Foundation in suburban Philly.

I haven't decided who the villian is yet so I have much work to do. And there is a lot of research I will need to finish on the Barnes Foundation, although I have some background in that area having previously written about and having visited the Barnes.

Keep writing and thanks for reading.

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