Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Querying agents

As I face the prospect once again of querying agents, I will also face the issue of whether to approach agents in medium-sized agencies, which will more likely handle my aspiring career with care, or shoot for an agent with a big agency, who could probably get me a larger advance.

First off, at the moment any good agent would do. I don't know whetherit was me, my writing, the circumstances, my genre or what that resulted in the miserable response I got over the winter for "Fighting Chaos." Perhaps in time, I will try again with that novel. It is a good and entertaining story and I am particularly close to it.

But "Death at the Jungle-bunny Journal" is a totally different book. It is a mystery where "Chaos" is a suspence/thriller. I think the mystery market is much larger.

But that gets me back to smaller agency vs. larger agency.

On the one hand, I really need a strong professional to help guide my career, and not just with this one book. Having someone who will help guide and mentor me will be a vast help. I am new to publishing, which is a rough industry, I can see. Having someone who can ground me and help me improve my writing and position in the industry will be crucial for the future.

But then there is the appeal of a large agency. There were several agencies I remember from my research over the fall and winter that nearly bragged about getting six-figure advances. I don't know if a large advance is a possibility with "Jungle-bunny" but the prospect a some financial security is appealing. Assuming I can find and hook and agent and that the agent can sale the book, more income would provide me greater flexibilty to work on future projects.

By this weekend, I will start compiling a list of agents to query. I don't know which way I will tilt. I doubt my chances of getting an agent will be any better one way or the other. That would be too easy. It would make my decision for me. In the end, it will depend on how far I want to go and how soon I want to get there.

I will have to keep you posted.

Thanks for reading and keep writing.

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