My laptop crashed this afternoon and, given that it is three years old, it will probably cost too much to be fixed and the data recovered. So I will probably have to buy a new computer.
And where is the money coming from, you may ask. I asked the same question and I haven't gotten a satisfactory answer. So my posts may be sporadic for a while.
This is particularly worrisome because National Novel Writing Month starts on Monday morning at 12:01. While I will continue preparing for several weeks of intense writing -- I am in the middle of outlinging, which I do in longhand -- I'm not sure yet home much computer time I will have in the coming weeks. I can use the computers at the public library but I can't sit there for the amount of time it will take for me to make my daily writing goals.
Anyway, this is just to let all you people in Russia, Brazil and Japan know my posts will be a little more sporadic. Keep a little prayer going for me.
In the meantime, thanks for reading. I look to see you again soon. And keep writing.
1 comment:
I'm sorry about your computer. They suck when that happens. However, if push comes to shove, you might be able to find a used typewriter at a thrift store or Salvation Army/Goodwill. If you lived closer I'd let you borrow mine. NaNo is too important and pen and paper is too time consuming.
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