Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh that name!

The second most popular blog post I have is from Jan. 4, 2008, and is called, What's in a Name, Part II. In that post I discuss the possible name of the book I was about to start. It was about the murder of a black newspaper publisher and the novel, still unsold and unrepresented, is called DEATH AT THE JUNGLE-BUNNY JOURNAL.

I worried that no publisher would risk taking on such a non-PC title. Or that they may be brave enough to take the chance since I am an African-American writer. Nothing so far.

But given that that blog posting is the second most popular posting I have, the title must strike a cord somewhere.

I haven't decided on what the title will be for the novel I plan to write in November. It probably won't be something as interesting as Jungle-bunny Journal. But maybe . . .

Haven't had a lot of time this week to query or blog. But I have been working hard mentally on an outline for the NaNoWriMo novel. Perhaps more on that in the coming weeks.

But for now, have a good weekend. I have a booksigning for BEDLAM AT THE BRICKYARD tomorrow in Bloomington and another one in Speedway next Saturday.

Thanks for reading.


Anne Gallagher said...

Jungle-Bunny Journal. That's just too funny. I mean, it's not, but it is. Considering you ARE an African-American writer.

MB Dabney said...

I have always liked it, although when I entered it in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest last year I changed it to A MURDEROUS DISPATCH. The name of the newspaper where the murder takes place was the Daily Dispatch but I still thought A MURDEROUS DISPATCH was a weaker title.