Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A fellowship

I shipped off an e-mail to an editor at a publishing house earlier this week. I know, I know. They don't accept such e-mails from unagented, unpublished authors like me. But what did it cost me? Nothing, except the hours I anxiously spent pouring over my synopsis, and the guilt I felt for snapping at my wife for changing part of one paragraph.

So, like I said, not much cost. (Crap! I should have bought some flowers earlier this week.)

But I sent the e-mail because I had a slight in with the editor, whom I have never met. Another editor suggested I write her. I did. And now I wait. It's been a couple of days but it's only an e-mail. How long should it take?

I was excited that first day, checking my return e-mails several times. Nothing. And then today I faced the stark reality of querying. I may never know. She may never reply. And that, in itself, will be the reply. Rejection via silence.

Gosh, I hate this.

Also on Monday, I mailed off an application for a two-day writer's fellowship in early May. It is sponsored by the Midwest Writers Workshop. I got the application post marked on March 23, which was the deadline. I hope I get the fellowship.

The application required a one-page synopsis of a work in progress, plus roughly 1,000 words from the WIP. Those chosen must bring 20 pages of their work in progress and a laptop computer to the workshop session.

Since I already have more than 100 pages done and would be nearing the end of my novel by early May, that shouldn't be a problem.

I think THE DEATH OF ART has a strong storyline and good characters, but getting some expert help, particularly before the first draft is completed, would be good.

I also have sent out two queries this week. No rejections, however. Yet. I sent out a slew of queries in early and mid-February. I think I have only heard from one of them. Should be getting about that time, however.

I know an author from an online forum who got three rejections yesterday, including one from a query he wrote nearly a year ago. And it was insulting. Rough day for him.

I'm going on vacation soon. And so, if i can find the peace and quiet, I might get some writing done. Bad thing is that I will miss my Sisters in Crime meeting and the meeting with the critque group. It will be the first meeting I have missed since joining in January of last year.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading. And keep writing.


Jarucia said...


Good that you have a vacation coming up...sounds like you'll be ready to enjoy.

Chin up with the query process (well it seems like you are managing fine). The longest I had to wait for a 'no' was six months. The shortest, 5 minutes.

The quickest partial request came in 5 days.

These things are all over the map.

Looking forward to reading about your progress.

Good luck!

MB Dabney said...

And thanks, Jarucia. You are the best.
And hang in there in ABNA. I figured it would get cut-throat but don't let it get you down. You have a good novel and you write well and I think that will shine through with the professionals.